
E-MEDIVIP has seven intellectual outputs. These work packages are below.

OUTPUT I: Need Analysis Survey

The detailed need analysis report will be created according to results of questionnaires performed on healthcare worker, students, doctors, engineers in Turkey, Spain, and Germany.

You can see Need Analysis Reports different languages.
– TR

• OUTPUT II: Project’s Web Site and Interactive E-Learning Platform

This output is consisted of construction of the project’s webpage and the design of Learning Management System (LMS). The project’s webpage and forum platform that will be used to directly contact with the partners, target groups and other related people. The LMS is necessary for the implementation and evaluation of e-modules, training sessions and other kind of online or offline activities. By the help of this LMS can be shared any type of learning materials such as lectures, videos, audios and etc. for target groups.

Project’s Web Page: http://emedivip.com/http://emedivip.eu

E-Learning Environmet(LMS): http://emedivip.com/LMShttp://emedivip.eu/LMS

• OUTPUT III: E-Learning Training Module for Introduction to Medical Informatics 

This output aims to teach the basic and advanced IT skills to the medical staff that consist of first level personel graduated from health vocational schools or higher level staff who did not have the opportunity to incorporate IT technologies during their medical education.

Click to go to LMS for E-Learning Modules

• OUTPUT IV: E-Learning Training Module for Hospital Information Management System

Hospital/Patient information systems are vital for the whole process that starts with the patients appeal to the healthcare center to the end of their treatment. In this output, it is aimed to produce a training module that teaches medical IT skills to healthcare staff with undergraduate degrees such as medical secretaries and registry operators.

Click to go to LMS for E-Learning Modules

• OUTPUT V: E-Learning Training Module for Medical Measurement Insruments

Today, many devices, from simple ones such as blood pressure monitors or thermometers to the complicated ones that require professional qualifications such as ECG and EEG are widely in use. In this output, a training module that will help the medical staff with bachelor’s and undergraduate degrees like nurses and caretakers to use those devices accurately is going to be produced.

Click to go to LMS for E-Learning Modules

• OUTPUT VI: E-Learning Training Module for Medical Imaging Devices

In this output, a training module that will contribute to the effective usage of modern scanning devices such as ultrasound, echocardiography, computed tomography, X-ray and MR (the most demanded 3 devices) is going to be produced according to the results of the needs analysis.

Click to go to LMS for E-Learning Modules

• OUTPUT VII: E-Learning Training Module for Decision Support Systems.

In this output, a training module to help the highest level of medical staff such as doctors, biomedical engineers and radiologists in order to acquire the necessary technological infrastructure. This infrastructure is necessary for them to be able to use the computer supported decision support systems during treatments or research. For this purpose, a most demanded software platform in the needs analysis reports that is necessary to create a decision support system will be introduced, the sub components that form a decision support system will be covered and the making of the design of a decision support system will be exemplified in a part-to-whole method.

Click to go to LMS for E-Learning Modules
